Wuchopperen Warriors Are All Heart

The Wuchopperen Warriors cycling team are gearing up for September’s Cairns to Cooktown Cardiac Challenge. The annual Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation event sees teams ride over 300 gruelling kilometres to raise money for the Cairns Hospital’s Cardiac Unit.

The Wuchopperen Warriors were founded in 2015 and have competed in the event twice before. This year they are hoping to raise $10,000 for the Cardiac Unit.

Team Captain Tony Pappas, Wuchopperen Diabetes Educator by day and Warriors’ Coach by night, said the team aimed to promote a healthy lifestyle, and inspire Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to get active.

‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are disproportionately affected by chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Physical activity can make a major difference to your health by preventing chronic disease, or helping make them more manageable,’ he added.

‘It is also important to recognise the positive effect physical activity has on general wellbeing. It helps the whole team have a healthy headspace.’

‘Many of the Warriors did not know one end of a bike from the other before they joined the team, and now are doing major charitable rides. This team is making a difference to the team members’ health, and we want it to make a difference to yours. Not just by raising money for the cardiac unit, but by inspiring you to move more each day.’

‘Remember always check in with your GP before starting a new exercise plan, just to make sure you don’t take on too much too fast.’

‘We also encourage people to donate to the team online. Please dig deep for this deadly cause and help raise funds for this vital service!’