Wuchopperen Health Service Limited has partnered with UnitingCare Queensland to deliver Newpin in Far North Queensland. Newpin Queensland was established under the Queensland Government Indigenous Disadvantage, Social Benefit Bond Pilot program seeking to break the cycle of over representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out of home care.
Wuchopperen Children and Family Centre Manager Toni Sevallos said the program focused on teaching parents the core skills which underpin a strength – based approach with the focus of building strong, healthy, happy families.
‘Parents, children and the Newpin staff will work together towards restoration under the Newpin core values of safety, equality, empathy, respect and self-determination,’ she said.
‘The aim of the program is to safely reunify mothers and children. This is achieved through working with families over an 18 month period to build on their existing strengths and capacity to provide a safe, nurturing environment.’
Newpin launched in January this year, and is already working with mothers.
‘The Newpin program teaches mothers the basics of positive parenting practices, works with them for around nine months prior to reunification, and for a further nine months afterwards to ensure long term sustainability for the reunified mother and child. Parents and kids attend the centre twice a week to learn individually and together about healthy attachment, interaction, play, and communication.’
‘With so many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids in care, there is a great need for evidence – based programs which provide pathways for families to heal, learn and progress. Wuchopperen is proud to be partnering with UnitingCare Queensland to deliver the Newpin program.’
Wuchopperen Health Service Limited supports families across the child safety continuum via the Family Wellbeing Service, an intensive program designed to prevent families who are experiencing breakdown from having children removed, the Recognised Entity which ensures the Department of Child Safety provides culturally appropriate services when engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the Culturally Appropriate Foster and Kinship Care Service (CAFAKCS) which recruits and supports foster carers, and Newpin which reunites families.
Wuchopperen also provides parenting programs, early education programs, social and emotional wellbeing services, and men’s and women’s groups to support parents to make the best possible choices for themselves and their dependents.