Privacy Statement
Wuchopperen Health Service (“we”, “us”, “our”) collects information from clients (“you”) for the primary purpose of providing high quality, culturally safe, holistic, client-centred care.
We collect and manage your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Australian Privacy Principles and Wuchopperen Policy.
So that we can appropriately assess, diagnose, treat and be proactive in meeting your health care needs, we require you to provide personal details by completing a New Client Form and consenting to us managing your personal information.
Personal information collected may be used for the following purposes:
- Administrative purposes in running our service. This includes compliance with medical and health insurance requirements.
- Disclosure of specific personal information to employees and other professionals involved in providing your ongoing care and limited to personal information that impacts on health care or when a formal consent is not appropriate or required.
- To collect personal information relevant to your care from, e.g., pathology, immunisation registers and x-ray facilities.
- Use of de-identified client health data of disease and /treatment details may be used for clinical audits, quality assurance, endorsed research and reporting requirements.
- To investigate, respond to or defend claims made against, or involving Wuchopperen; and
- To notify you of the services that we provide and other services which may be offered by other service providers.
Your personal information is contained and stored in a secure electronic client record. You may request to access your information by completing a Request to Access Personal Information Form, available from our Health Information Officer, or by other means such as email or telephone contact. You will be required to provide identification to access information.
We are committed to ensuring that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. We encourage you to tell us when your details change. Each time you visit, we will ask you to verify that the personal information held by us is correct and up to date.
If you would like any further information on how privacy is managed at Wuchopperen please call us on (07) 4080 1000, make a general enquiry at enquiries@wuchopperen.org.au, or if you would like to request your personal information, email rfi@wuchopperen.org.au. For any privacy complaints, you can follow the feedback and complaints process.
The Privacy Statement is approved by the Wuchopperen Health Service Chief Executive Officer.