Contact Us

Wuchopperen Opening Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 8am to 5pm

Wednesday – 8am to 1pm

P: (07) 4080 1000 (Manoora Centre)
P: (07) 4040 3100 (Edmonton Centre)

General Enquiries:

Enquire online


6 Moignard St, Manoora QLD 4870
PO BOX 878, Manunda QLD 4870

P: (07) 4080 1000
F: (07) 4059 1966


7 Stokes St, Edmonton QLD 4869
PO BOX 486, Edmonton QLD 4869

P: (07) 4040 3100
F: (07) 4051 1558

In an emergency and after hours

For URGENT or LIFE THREATENING medical attention please phone 000 for an ambulance or go directly to the Emergency Department at Cairns Hospital, 165 Esplanade, Cairns.

If you need non-urgent medical attention outside of Wuchopperen business hours the following services are available in Cairns:

  • Cairns 24 Hour Medical Centre Phone: (07) 4052 1119  Address: Cnr Florence & Grafton Streets, Cairns.
    The medical centre is open every day of the year, including public holidays, 7am to 9pm Monday to Friday, and 8am – 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

Service Options when on the Phone

Press 1 for Clinic Health Services to speak with medical reception, including for general Doctor’s appointments, Women’s, Children and Maternal Health, Allied Health, or Dental Services.

Press 2 for Social and Emotional Wellbeing services, Integrated Team Care, Commonwealth Home Support, and Community Connectors.

Press 3 for Children and Family Center, HIPPY, Family Wellbeing, Connected Beginnings, and First Time Mum’s Program.

Press 4 for Family Participation Program, Youth and Foster and Kinship Services.

Press 5 for Corporate or if you’re unsure.

Providing feedback about our services

Wuchopperen is your organisation so we value your feedback.  You can share a compliment or make a complaint:

  • In person – please ask to speak to a clinic manager
  • By filling out our private and secure online Complaints Form
  • By filling out our anonymous online Client Survey
  • By filling out a hard copy Complaints Form – available from our Manoora and Edmonton clinics
  • By emailing us at 
  • By ringing Wuchopperen on 4080 1000 Manoora or 4040 3100 for Edmonton 
  • By writing to us at:
    Feedback and Complaints, Wuchopperen Health Service Limited, PO BOX 878, MANUNDA QLD 4870


All complaints will be responded to within 30 calendar days and are processed in accordance with our Feedback and Complaints Policy and Procedure. If you have made a complaint and are not satisfied with the outcome or the way it was managed you can refer the matter to the Wuchopperen Chief Executive Officer, Chairperson of the Board, the Board of Directors or the following organisations:

  • Office of the Health Ombudsman: PO BOX 3281 George Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000
    Phone: 133 OHO (133 646) Email:
  • Queensland Ombudsman: Level 25, 288 Edward Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000
    Phone: 07 3005 7000  Toll free: 1800 068 908
  • Child Safety Complaints: Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
    Phone: 1800 080 464  Email: