Child, Youth & Family Services

Wuchopperen’s Child, Youth & Family Services delivers a range of family led support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

Through culturally safe family led initiatives, the program aims to increase self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families that encourages participation in the decision-making that shapes their future.

Programs that fall under the CYFS umbrella include Child Wellbeing Services, Children and Family Services, and Youth and Family Services.

Referrals are received from agencies and self-referrals are welcome.

CYFS Intake and Referrals

This is the central intake point for all incoming referrals for Child, Youth, and Family Services. Referrals can be received from agencies and individuals.

You can find the Family And Child Connect referral form here.


Call Us

If you have questions, directly talk to the CYFS Teams at our Manoora clinic’s Mangrove House on (07) 4080 1159, or Savannah House on (07) 4255 1080.