11/60 STI Testing Campaign

Wuchopperen Health Service Limited is partnering with Tropical Public Health Services and the Cairns Sexual Health unit to promote the 11/60 Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing campaign.

The name refers to the number of people who test positive for a notifiable STI each hour in Australia.

The campaign is calling on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to get tested for STIs to keep themselves, their partners, and potentially, their unborn children, safe.

As part of the partnership, a Tropical Public Health Service (TPHS) Public Health Nurse has been seconded to Wuchopperen for a fortnight to upskill staff on STI testing.

Wuchopperen Director of Medical Services Dr Jacki Mein said STIs are common, affect people across the community, and there was no shame in getting tested.

‘Getting tested is confidential, free and quick,’ she explained.

‘You either find out you’re clear, and have that peace of mind, or the test comes back with a result and we can treat or manage the STI.’

‘We are proud of everyone who comes in for a test!’

‘Syphilis, in particular, is a concern for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers because it can cause the death of an unborn child, if the mother does not have a test and get treatment. We also know HIV is on the rise, so again, it’s vital to test, and treat. As well as syphilis and HIV, there a range of other STIs around which can cause problems such infertility, so it’s really worth having a quick test.’

‘Wuchopperen has male and female doctors, and testing is quick private, free, and simple with results coming back within a few days. Please call 07 4080 1000 to make an appointment.’

‘We are grateful to the Tropical Public Health Service for resourcing the 11/60 campaign and supporting the Public Health Nurse to come to Wuchopperen to share her expertise with the team.’